Rates and General Information De Zeeheld

Preschool de Zeeheld is open 5.2 hours a day from 8.30am to 13.50pm on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (a total of 16 hours a week)

The hourly rate in 2024 is €10,95 per hour. The cost of preschool depends on your personal situation. You can make a trial calculation on the website of the City of Amsterdam:

If you are eligible for the municipal supplement (preschool), then we need income statements from both parents. This will allow us to place you in a pay scale for the income-related parental contribution. For this, we will need to receive the income statement from you and, if applicable, from your partner (IB60 form). Even if you are not employed, we ask you to send an income statement. You can request the income statement by telephone or download it online from the Tax and Customs Administration using your DigiD.
